Sam Woodruff

How to throw a birthday party

Seriously, Sam? 10 Simple Rules to Throw Your Child a Birthday Party that Doesn’t Suck

Seriously, Sam? is a monthly column that takes a lighter look at suburban life.  This month, Sam gives us some advice on how to throw a children’s birthday party that doesn’t suck! Have you ever had your best intentions go so catastrophically wrong that you were determined to use your hideous failure as a cautionary

Seriously, Sam? 10 Simple Rules to Throw Your Child a Birthday Party that Doesn’t Suck Read More »

seriously, sam?

Seriously, Sam? Good Tidings (the suburban sport of Holiday cards)

Seriously, Sam? is a monthly column that takes a lighter look at suburban life.  This month, Sam tackles the uniquely suburban sport of Holiday cards in Seriously, Sam? Good Tidings.   I love the holidays. Like, I start listening to Christmas carols non-stop while cooking Thanksgiving, and reluctantly turn them off when my husband cries “uncle” on

Seriously, Sam? Good Tidings (the suburban sport of Holiday cards) Read More »

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