
7 Tips on How to Care for Your Haworthia Plant (Infographic)

Haworthia (Haworthia sp.) are popular indoor succulents. Haworthias are low maintenance plants that are easy to grow and great for beginners. They are small plants that looks like small versions of aloe plants with zebra stripes and markings.

There are around 150 species of Haworthias, some of the more popular indoor species of Haworthia are Haworthia attenuata, Haworthia bolusii, Haworthia maxima and Haworthia fasciata. Haworthia will thrive when placed on a sunny windowsill. It is truly a low maintenance houseplant and only needs to be watered occasionally. Here are tips on how to care for your Haworthia plant.

Haworthia Infographic

Haworthia Infograph
Haworthia Plant Infograph

7 Tips on How to Care for Your Haworthia

1. Your Haworthia is Happiest in Bright Indirect Light 

Haworthias are succulents and prefer sunny locations. Your Haworthia will thrive in a south facing window or a west facing window. It is a succulent that needs bright indirect light. 

2. Moderate Water is Best for Haworthia

Haworthia is a succulent so you should err on the side of less water than too much water. It is happy in dry soil. Wet soil will kill it. Only water your Haworthia when the soil feels dry. Water sparingly when it’s winter. 

The best way to tell when it’s time to water your Haworthia is by sticking a finger into the soil 2 inches deep. If the soil feels dry, then it’s time to water your Haworthia. If the soil feels moist and wet, don’t water your Haworthia. Wait another week, check the soil’s moisture level with your finger before watering.

3. Plant Your Haworthia in a Fast Draining Potting Mix

Haworthia needs a fast draining potting mix. Use premixed potting soil specially formulated for succulents. They usually have mycorrhizal fungi and other beneficial microbes. Only buy organic soil mix because the fertilizer is not as concentrated in organic soil mixtures. Non-organic soil should only be used for outdoor plants.

You can make your own potting mix for your Haworthia by blending the following potting media: 

  • 1 Part Horticultural Sand
  • 1 Part General Purpose Organic Potting Medium
  • 1 Part Perlite

4. Fertilize Your Haworthia

Haworthia will need a once a month application of fertilizer. Apply fertilizer at half strength during Spring and Summer months. Don’t fertilize in the Fall and Winter when Haworthia plant is dormant and not growing. Only fertilize your Haworthia when it’s actively growing.

5. Don’t forget to Repot Your Haworthia

Repot your Haworthia every 1-2 years. Buy a larger pot, around 2 inches larger (diameter) than the current pot. Make sure you buy a pot that has drainage holes at the bottom so water doesn’t accumulate and cause root rot and stem rot.

repot haworthia
Repot Haworthia

6. Drainage is Essential for Haworthia

After watering your Haworthia Plant and you see water draining out of the pot’s drainage holes, make sure you empty out the accumulated water in the saucer. Don’t let your Haworthia’s pot sit in this puddle of water. It will cause root rot! 

7. Get the Temperature Right for Your Haworthia Plant

Your Haworthia is a succulent plant. It needs to have daytime temperatures of 70F to 80 Fahrenheit (21-26C). Nighttime temperature should be at 60-70 Fahrenheit (15-21 C).

3 Common Haworthia Problems

The common problems that affect Haworthia plants are root rot, mealybugs and sunburn.

1. Fluffy White Growth In Between the Leaves and Stems of Your Haworthia

Problem: There are fluffy white growths in between the leaves and stems of your Haworthia.


Cause: Mealybugs are causing the fluffy white growth on your Haworthia. It is a common houseplant disease.

Solution: To get rid of mealybugs on your Haworthia, wash your plant with water. You can also use soapy water. Spraying rubbing alcohol on affected areas can also get rid of mealybugs. Horticultural oil and insecticidal soap are also effective in getting rid of mealybugs.

Check out our article on how to make your own homemade pesticides using baby shampoo: How to Make Horticultural Oil and How to Make Insecticidal Soap

2. Haworthia Looks Wilted (Soil is Wet)

Problem: Your Haworthia looks wilted even if the soil is wet. Check for root rot by pulling the plant out and examining the roots. If the roots of your Haworthia plant look mushy (healthy roots are firm) and the roots are gray to black in color, these are telltale signs of root rot.

Root Rot
Root Rot

Cause: Root rot is caused by fungus and is a serious problem for your Haworthia. Root rot is a result of wet soil due to overwatering or poor drainage.

Solution: When your Haworthia is afflicted with root rot the chance of survival is slim. Your best course of action is to throw your Haworthia out and start over with a new plant. This time don’t overwater your Haworthia and make sure there is good drainage in the pot.

3. Brown and Black Patches on the Leaves of Your Haworthia

Problem: There are brown and black patches on the leaves of your Haworthia plant.

Cause: These brown or black patches on your Haworthia are sunburn spots. Sunburn spots are caused by too much direct, hot sun on your Haworthia.

Solution: Move your Haworthia to a less sunnier spot. The sunburn spots on your Haworthia plant are permanent. The sunburn spots will not turn back to green.

Facts About Haworthia 

Scientific NameMany species. Most popular species are Haworthia bolusii, Haworthia attenuata, Haworthia fasciata and Haworthia maxima
LightBright Indirect Light
Daytime Temperature70 to 80 F (21-26C)
Night Time Temperature60 to 70 F (15-21C)
WaterLow Water
HumidityLow Humidity
PottingFast draining, organic potting soil (cactus soil or succulent soil)
FertilizerOnce a month at half strength but not in the Fall or Winter
Facts about Haworthia

Haworthia: Frequently Asked Questions

What are Other Names of Haworthia Plants?

Haworthia is also called zebra plant, pearl plant or zebra cactus.

Can You Use Cold Water When Watering Your Haworthia?

Haworthia don’t like to be watered with cold water. It is a succulent plant after all! Don’t use cold water straight from the tap. Make sure you mix a bit of hot water to take the chill off. You can also fill a bottle of water or pitcher with tap water, leave it out overnight so the water adjusts to room temperature.

What Fertilizer Should You Use for Your Haworthia?

Use organic fertilizers with a balanced Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium content. 

How Big Do Haworthia Plants Get?

Haworthia are small succulents that can grow to 3 inches tall and 3 inches wide. 

How Do You Propagate Haworthia Plants?

Haworthia plants are easy to propagate.

1. Find Haworthia Pups

You will notice offshoots with roots connected to the mother Haworthia plant. These offshoots are called pups.

haworthis pups
Hawrothia pups

2. Cut off Haworthia Pups

To propagate Haworthia, cut off pups with a sharp, sterilized knife. Include enough amount of roots with your pup cutting. Don’t remove pups from the mother plant if they are too small. Only cut off pups that have grown large enough that you can hold it.

3. Let Haworthia Pup Cutting Dry

Leave the pup cutting out overnight before planting it in a pot. This will allow the raw end that was cut to dry up.

4. Plant Haworthia Pup in Pot

Plant your Haworthia pup in a pot with succulent potting mix. Water after planting. Water every 2-3 days until the roots are established. Place your new Haworthia plant in a spot with bright indirect sunlight.

planting haworthis pup
Planting Haworthis Pup

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