easy to grow flowers

12 Easy to Grow Flowers for the Lazy Gardener

Are you looking for easy-to-grow flowers for your garden? I’ve compiled a list of low-maintenance flowering plants that will grow effortlessly perfect for the lazy gardener. Here are 12 easy-to-grow flowering plants for your garden.

Easy to Grow Flowers
Easy to Grow Flowers for Lazy Gardeners

1. Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica)

Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica)
Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica)

Siberian iris are beautiful low-maintenance flowers to grow in your garden. You will be rewarded with gorgeous flowers year after year.

Irises love sunny locations or light shade locations. Siberian iris is one of the easiest iris to grow in your garden.

It will grow vigorously in the summer to early Fall. Once it’s established you don’t even need to water your iris and it will be pest-free and disease-free.

The only thing you have to do is to deadhead and cut down the foliage in the Fall to prepare it for the following year. 

NameSiberian Iris
Scientific NameIris sibirica
FlowersBeautiful flowers, assorted colors
LightFull Sun to Light Shade
Bloom TimeEarly summer 
Height24-36 inches
Table: Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica)

2. English Lavender (Lavadula angustifolia)

English Lavender (Lavadula angustifolia)
English Lavender (Lavadula angustifolia)

English lavender are beautiful, low-maintenance flowering perennial plants for your garden. They are happy in full sun locations. Lavender plants have fragrant purple flowers that are great for cuttings and for dried arrangements. 

NameEnglish Lavender
Scientific NameLavadula angustifolia
FlowersBeautiful purple fragrant flowers
LightFull Sun
Bloom TimeMidsummer
Height12-36 inches
Table: English Lavender (Lavadula angustifolia)

3. Peony (Paeonia)

Peony (Paeonia)
Peony (Paeonia)

Peonies are easy to grow, low-maintenance perennial plants. Once established, peonies are so easy to grow you don’t even have to water them! Peonies will reward you with beautiful large fragrant blossoms year after year. Effortlessly!

The only thing you need to do is to stake your peony since the flowers tend to get heavy and droopy. You can also deadhead your peonies to keep them blooming vigorously.


But if you don’t have time to deadhead your peonies, no problem. You will still get a lot of peony flowers! Peonies are great cut flowers and will look elegant in your home.

Scientific NamePaeonia
FlowersBeautiful, large flowers 
LightFull Sun
Bloom TimeLate Spring
Height36 inches
Table: Peony (Paeonia)

4. Coneflower (Echinacea)

Coneflower (Echinacea)
Coneflower (Echinacea)

Coneflowers are easy to grow perennial flowering plants with brightly colored flowers that attract butterflies. They are happy in a sunny location or part sun location in your garden.

Coneflowers are low-maintenance plants. They don’t need staking and will only need deadheading and will bloom vigorously.

They will self-sow so you will have coneflowers in your garden year after year. Coneflowers are great cut flowers for summer bouquets.

Scientific NameEchinacea
FlowersRed, Pink or White flowers that attract butterflies
LightFull to Part Sun
Bloom TimeJune to Winter Frost
Height24-40 inches
Table: Coneflower (Echinacea)

5. Frikart’s Aster (Aster X frikartii)

Frikart's Aster (Aster X frikartii)
Frikart’s Aster (Aster X frikartii)

Frikart’s Aster is a very easy-to-grow perennial that will give your garden color all summer long. They are beautiful blue daisies that grow effortlessly in your garden.

Plant in a sunny location and you will get vigorous blooms. Do deadhead your Frikart aster to encourage more flowering.

Frikart’s Aster are great cut flowers for summer bouquets. They are so low maintenance that they don’t even get garden pests.

NameFrikart’s Aster
Scientific NameAster X frikartii
FlowersBlue daisies
Bloom TimeSummer
Height24-36 inches
Table: Frikart’s Aster (Aster X frikartii)

6. False Indigo (Baptista australis)

False Indigo (Baptista australis)
False Indigo (Baptista australis)

False indigo is one of the easiest flowering perennials to grow. They are so vigorous, that wherever you plant them in your garden and they will keep blooming for you year after year.

Enjoy the blue flowers with pea-like blossoms. Falso indigo prefers sunny locations but it will also tolerate part sun locations.

NameFalse Indigo
Scientific NameBaptista australis
FlowersBlue, pea-like flowers
LightFull Sun or Part Sun (3-4 hours of light shade)
Bloom TimeMid-spring to early summer
Height36-48 inches
Table: False Indigo (Baptista australis)

7. Perennial Geranium (Geranium)

Perennial Geranium (Geranium)
Perennial Geranium (Geranium)

Perennial geranium is an easy-to-grow flowering plant that prefers full sun. Perennial geraniums bloom vigorously and will produce attractive pink or blue flowers.

It’s an easy plant to grow with little to no diseases and pest problems.

NamePerennial Geranium
Scientific NameGeranium
FlowersPink or Blue flowers
LightFull Sun to Light Shade
Bloom TimeEarly summer to Fall
Height15-18 inches
Table: Perennial Geranium (Geranium)

8. Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum)

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum)
Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum)

Shasta daisies are easy to grow flowering perennial plants. The plant produces lovely white daisies that will grow vigorously without much effort.

Shasta daisies will bloom all summer long. It makes great cut flowers for summer bouquets. 

NameShasta Daisy
Scientific NameLeucanthemum x superbum
FlowersWhite daisies
LightFull Sun
Bloom TimeSummer
Height12-36 inches
Table: Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum)

9. Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale)

Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale)
Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale)

Oriental poppies are easy to grow perennial flowers. The flowers are spectacular flowers to have in your garden.

They come in beautiful pink, orange, red or white. Add drama to your garden by planting a bed of poppies.

Poppies are happy in full sun locations. 

NameOriental Poppy
Scientific NamePapaver orientale
FlowersLarge, spectacular flowers
LightFull Sun
Bloom TimeEarly Summer
Height24-36 inches
Table: Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale)

10. Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)

Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)
Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)

Obedient plants or dragonhead are easy to grow perennial flowering plants.

The vibrant pink, purple and white blossoms will add color to your late summer garden. It grows well in full sun location.

It will tolerate pretty much any soil conditions and are generally pests-free.

NameObedient Plant
Scientific NamePhysostegia virginiana
FlowersPink or White Flowers in tall spikes
LightFull Sun
Bloom TimeLate Summer
Height24-36 inches
Table: Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)

11. Tufted Violet (Viola cornuta)

Tufted Violet (Viola cornuta)
Tufted Violet (Viola cornuta)

Tufted violet or Horned pansy are easy to grow perennial flowers. It grows well in part shade and can also thrive in full sun locations.

Tufted violet grows vigorously and will begin flowering in the early summer until Fall. It will give your garden color throughout the summer season to Fall.

It’s a low-maintenance plant that will grow back year after year.

NameTufted Violet
Scientific NameViola cornuta
FlowersPansy-like flowers
LightPart Shade
Bloom TimeSummer to Late Fall
Height8-10 inches
Table: Tufted Violet (Viola cornuta)

12. False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)

False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)
False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)

False sunflowers are easy to grow flowers for your garden. It is a perennial plant with beautiful, yellow sunflowers.

False sunflowers will grow vigorously in full sun locations. It grows in an upright, tidy manner and will make a great addition to any garden needing a splash of yellow.

It’s a low-maintenance plant that will flower from midsummer to Fall. The only maintenance for False Sunflowers is to deadhead the blooms and cut the foliage down for winter. 

NameFalse Sunflower
Scientific NameHeliopsis helianthoides
FlowersYellow flowers
LightFull Sun
Bloom TimeMidsummer to Fall
Height48-60 inches
Table: False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)
12 Easy to grow flowers infographics

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12 Easy to Grow Flowers for the Lazy Gardener

Lazy Gardener’s Guide: How to Grow Irises

Lazy Gardener’s Guide: How to Grow Hydrangeas (Infographic)

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