You have established perennials in your garden. Do you need to water your perennials in the summer if they are established?
The rule of thumb is if you have established perennials you don’t need to water them in the summer. Natural rainwater is sufficient to keep your perennials hydrated. However, there are some instances when you need to water your established perennials.
When to Water Established Perennials in the Summer
Although the rule of thumb is you don’t need to water established perennials in the summer, there are some exceptions. Here are instances of when to water established perennials in the summer.
1. Dry Spell in the Summer
If you experience a few weeks of dry conditions in the summer, your perennials will benefit from water. Also, if you have a drought you should water your perennials.
2. Your Perennial Looks Dried Out
If your perennials look dried out, then you should water your perennial. That is an obvious sign that your perennial needs supplemental watering.
How to Water Established Perennials in the Summer
When you water established perennials in the summer, it is better to do a deep watering rather than frequent light watering. This will encourage their roots to grow down and deep, preventing shallow roots. Just make sure the soil is evenly moist and the soil is well-drained. The last thing you want to do is to let your perennials sit in soggy soil.
When to Water Perennials in the Summer?
Mornings are the best time to water your perennials. This will allow its foliage to dry so there are fewer chances of fungal diseases.
Summer Watering Needs of Popular Perennials
Below you will find the watering requirements of popular perennials.
Do You Need to Water Hydrangeas in the Summer?
Hydrangeas established in your garden will survive if you don’t water them in the summer. However, it may not flower. You should water your hydrangeas 1x a week if you want them to bloom nicely.
I personally experienced this, there was one busy summer when I did not water my hydrangea all summer and my hydrangea suffered as a result. It barely produced any flowers and the growth was not as robust. The following summer, I made sure to water my hydrangea at least once a week and sure enough it started to flower nicely!
For newly planted hydrangea, you should water them 2-3x a week in the summer during the first planting season. The following week, when the roots of your hydrangea are established, then you can go back to watering your hydrangeas once a week in the summer.
Do You Need to Water Rhododendrons in the Summer?
Established Rhododendrons don’t need to be watered every day in the summer. Watering it once a week in the summer is sufficient. If you skip a week of watering your rhododendrons, it’s okay. It will still do well. Just make sure to check that the soil is moist and not soggy and not dry.
If you have a newly planted Rhododendron then you should water it 3x a week during the summer until the roots are established. Keep up the watering for the first 3 years after planting.
Do You Need to Water Azaleas in the Summer?
Established Azaleas don’t need to be watered every day in the summer. Watering your azaleas once a week should be enough. Like rhododendrons, if you skip a week of watering in the summer, your azaleas will do well.
If you have a newly planted azaleas, you do need to water it 3x a week during the summer until the roots are established. Keep up with the water for the first 3 years after planting.
Do You Need to Water Shasta Daisies in the Summer?
Shasta daisies are drought resistant once established. You don’t need to water it in the summer. Rainfall should be sufficient. However, if you experience a long period of dry spell, it does no harm to water your Shasta daisies.
Do You Need to Water Your Perennial Salvia in the Summer?
Perennial salvias don’t need supplemental water in the summer. Natural rainfall should be enough for your perennial salvia. However, if you experience a long period of dry spell in the summer, you should water your perennial salvia.
Do You Need to Water Your Coneflowers in the Summer?
Coneflowers don’t need to be watered in the summer. It should receive all the moisture it needs from natural rainfall. Of course, if you are experiencing a drought or dry spell, you should water your coneflower just in case.
Do You Need to Water Your Bougainvilleas in the Summer?
Water your bougainvilleas once every 3 weeks in the summer. It prefers dry over wet so it’s best not to overwater your Bougainvilleas in the summer.
Do You Need to Water Your Roses in the Summer?
Water your roses once a week in the summer. Don’t water your roses overhead, it’s better to water them directly into the soil. This will prevent diseases.
You May Be Interested in These Perennial Care articles:
12 Easy to Grow Flowers for the Lazy Gardener
Lazy Gardener’s Guide: How to Grow Roses (Infographic)
Lazy Gardener’s Guide: How to Grow Rhododendrons (Infographic)