Thinking of Living in Princeton, NJ? (Infograph)

Are you thinking of living in Princeton, NJ?  Princeton is a municipality in New Jersey with a population of approximately 30,681 and a median income of $137,672. Below are demographics and household data that you will find useful if you are thinking of moving to Princeton, NJ. The information presented in this article are based on data from the US Census American Community Survey.

Princeton, NJ Infograph

princeton nj inforgraph

What is the Population of Princeton, NJ?

The population of Princeton, NJ is approximately 30,681.

Are Princeton Residents Well Educated?

81% of Princeton residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. Compare this to overall New Jersey where 41% of NJ residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher.

Is Princeton, NJ Diverse?

73% of Princeton residents are White, 17% of Princeton residents are Asians, 8%  of Princeton residents are Hispanic and 6% of Princeton residents are African Americans.

Are There a Lot of Children Living in Princeton, NJ?

18% of Princeton residents are children under 18 years old and 3% of Princeton residents are children under 5 years old. Compare this to overall New Jersey where 22% of New Jersey residents are children under 18 years old.

Is there a large Senior Citizen Population in Princeton, NJ? 

17% of Princeton residents are seniors aged 65 years old and older.

Are There a Lot of Immigrants in Princeton, NJ?

29% of Princeton residents are immigrants. Compare this to overall New Jersey where 23% of New Jersey residents are foreign born.

Is Princeton, NJ Affluent?

Princeton has a median household income of $137,672. Compare this to overall New Jersey where the median household income is $85,751.

Are There a Lot of Rentals in Princeton, NJ?

In Princeton, 40% of housing units are rentals while 60% of housing units in Princeton are owner occupied.

How Much Is Rent in Princeton, NJ? 

The median gross rent in Princeton is $1,532. Compare this to overall New Jersey where the median gross rent is $1,376.

What is the Median Home Value in Princeton, NJ?

The Median Home Value of owner-occupied homes in Princeton is $866,200.

How Much are Property Taxes in Princeton, NJ?

The Average Property taxes in Princeton, NJ is $20,962. This calculation is based on Princeton’s General Property Tax Rate of 2.42 and Princeton’s Median Home Value of $866,200. Check out our article on NJ Property Taxes for a complete town by town list of NJ Property taxes. 

What County is Princeton, NJ located in?

Princeton, NJ is in Mercer County.

How Long is the Average Commute to Work for Princeton Residents?

The mean travel time to work for Princeton residents is 27 minutes. Compare this to overall New Jersey where the average time to work is 33 minutes.

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Data Source: US Census American Community Survey

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