Old Greenwich CT

5 Signs You Are Ready To Move To The Suburbs

Are you ready to move to the suburbs? How do you know for sure you are ready to make the big move to the suburbs? Living in the city is not the same as living in the suburbs, and if you have always been a city dweller who loves everything about city life, then the transition to the suburbs can be quite an adjustment! When you move to the suburbs, you’ll miss the ability to walk everywhere, order delivery anytime, and maybe even the sound of sirens! However, if you’re starting to feel restless in the city, it could be a sign that you’re ready to make the move. Here are five signs that you’re ready to move to the suburbs.

5 Signs You Are Ready to Move to the Suburbs

1. You Crave the Outdoors

If you are constantly craving the outdoors that is a sign that you are ready to move to the suburbs. Are you constantly craving activities that require a backyard?

You dream of being able to barbecue (too bad it is against the fire code to grill on your balcony). You are jealous of your suburban friends who are throwing a 4th of July BBQ in their backyard. Your ideal Saturday afternoon is to host an outdoor BBQ, sit on a lounge chair while drinking an ice cold drink and watching your dog play in the backyard.

If you have kids, you dream of having a swing set right in your backyard (no more going to the public playground!) If you are constantly craving outdoor activities that you can’t do from your little city apartment, then maybe it is time to move to the suburbs.

Signs You are Ready to Move to the Suburbs

2. You need more storage space

If you are always running out of storage space, that definitely is a sign that you need a bigger apartment. However, if a bigger apartment is out of your budget, then maybe it is time to move to the suburbs. In the suburbs, you can get more space for your buck!  

Is your closet perpetually full?  Is it frustrating putting away freshly laundered clothes because you just don’t seem to have the space in your closet to fit it all? Are you accumulating more and more things and running out of space to put it in?

Does it seem like every floor space of your apartment is stacked with something. You need a pantry. You need a walk-in closet. You wish you have a finished basement to store everything! You wish you have a garage to store everything!

In fact, you started renting a storage unit because you just can’t fit everything in your apartment (that’s how I knew I needed to move to the suburbs)! That’s a sign you need a bigger space. Perhaps it’s time to move to the suburbs!

3. You need to get away from the city

You know it’s time to move to the suburbs when you are always trying to get away from the city. Are you always planning weekend trips to suburban places?

Are you constantly looking for places to go to on the weekends? Renting a house in upstate New York? A day trip to see friends in Connecticut? A day trip to a mall in New Jersey? A weekend in Vermont? If you are constantly getting away from the city, then it is time to move to the suburbs!

4. Tired of schlepping

Are you jealous of your suburban friends who can easily unload groceries from their garage? Instead, a trip to the grocery store for you is a workout- you need to lug all your groceries up to your apartment.

You dream of being able to drive to a grocery store and buying whatever you need (including the club size packs) and then being able to unload your groceries in the comfort of your attached garage.

No more lugging that big jug of milk up 3 flights of stairs or loading the groceries in a trolley, bringing it up the elevator and then pushing it down the hall. If you are tired of schlepping, then maybe it is time for you to move out of apartment living and into a house in the suburbs.

5. You crave peace, quiet and privacy

Do you crave your own space? You are sick of hearing your neighbors move their chairs above you or the ding of the elevator door or the children running in the hallway.

If you crave peace, quiet and privacy, then it is time for you move out of your city apartment. You will be much happier moving to a house in the suburbs.  

Final Thoughts: How to Know It’s Time to Move to the Suburbs

If you are nodding yes to everything on this list, then it is time to move to the suburbs. You may be outgrowing city living. You need more space, you need privacy and you seek the outdoors! These are signs that you are getting tired of city living. It is time to move to the suburbs.

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