Are you thinking of living in Fairfield, CT? Fairfield is a town in Connecticut’s Fairfield County with a population of approximately 61,512 and a median income of $139,122.
Below are demographics and household data that you will find useful if you are thinking of living in Fairfield.
The information presented in this article are based on data from the US Census American Community Survey.
Fairfield, CT Infograph
What is the Population of Fairfield, CT?
The population of Fairfield, CT is approximately 61,512.
Are Fairfield Residents Well Educated?
66% of Fairfield residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. Compare this to overall Connecticut where 39% of CT residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher.
Is Fairfield, CT Diverse?
89% of Fairfield residents are White, 4.4% of Fairfield residents are Asians, 6.9% of Fairfield residents are Hispanic and 2.1% of Fairfield residents are African Americans.
Are There a Lot of Children Living in Fairfield, CT?
23% of Fairfield residents are children under 18 years old and 5% of Fairfield residents are children under 5 years old. Compare this to overall Connecticut where 20% of Connecticut residents are children under 18 years old.
Is there a Large Senior Citizen Population in Fairfield, CT?
16% of Fairfield residents are seniors aged 65 years old and older. Compare this to overall Connecticut where 18% of Connecticut residents are seniors aged 65 years old and older.
What is the Average Income of Fairfield Residents?
Fairfield has a median household income of $139,122. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the median household income is $78,444.
Are There a Lot of Rentals in Fairfield, CT?
In Fairfield, 18% of housing units are rentals while 82% of housing units in Fairfield are owner occupied.
How Much Is Rent in Fairfield, CT?
The median gross rent in Fairfield is $1,886. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the median gross rent is $1,180.
What is the Median Home Value in Fairfield, CT?
The Median Home Value of owner-occupied homes in Fairfield is $611,500.
What County is Fairfield, CT located in?
Fairfield, CT is in Fairfield County.
How Big is Fairfield, CT?
Fairfield is 29.9 square miles.
How Long is the Average Commute to Work for Fairfield Residents?
The mean travel time to work for Fairfield residents is 36 minutes. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the average time to work is 27 minutes.
What is the Property Tax Rate in Fairfield, CT?
Every town in Connecticut sets its own property tax rate (mill rate). To get Fairfield’s mill rate, check out our article: Connecticut Mill Rates: Town by Town List
How to Calculate Connecticut Property Taxes
Use our Calculator to Compute Your Property Taxes: How to calculate Property taxes in Connecticut?
How to Appeal your Connecticut Property Taxes
How Much is the Real Estate Transfer Tax in Connecticut?
Selling Your Home in Connecticut? Use our Calculator to compute the transfer tax: Connecticut Real Estate Transfer Tax Calculator
Salaries in Connecticut
Are you getting paid enough? What are the Highest Paying Jobs in Connecticut? (Infographs)
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Data Source: US Census American Community Survey