What are the Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania 2024? (and the lowest paying jobs)

What are the highest paying jobs in Pennsylvania? We pulled the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for the highest-paying jobs in Pennsylvania.

The salary information below are mean annual salaries. The information presented in this article is based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (State Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics).

Video of 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania

Here is a video of the 10 highest paying jobs in Pennsylvania that do not require a medical or law degree.

10 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania video

What is the Highest Paying Job in Pennyslvania?

Cardiologist is the highest paying job in Pennsylvania earning $478,340 a year.

Highest Paying job Doctor

Highest Paying Jobs in PA Infographics

Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania Infographics
Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania Infographics

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania

All of the highest paying jobs in Pennsylvania are in the healthcare field. 

Cardiologists are the highest paying jobs in Pennsylvania earning a mean annual salary of $478,340 followed by Radiologists earning $376,470 .

The third-highest paying job in Pennsylvania are Surgeons earning $363,270. 


These are the top 10 highest-paying jobs in Pennsylvania.

Surgeons, All Other$363,270
Emergency Medicine Physicians$356,460
Obstetricians and Gynecologists$343,050
General Internal Medicine Physicians$309,080
Family Medicine Physicians$232,070
Nurse Anesthetists$203,620
Pediatricians, General$199,060
10 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania

Top 30 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania

Below are the top 30 highest paying jobs in Pennsylvania.

As you can see below more than half of the highest paying jobs in Pennsylvania are in the healthcare field. 


Almost all of the top 30 highest-paying jobs in Pennsylvania require an advanced degree in Medicine or Law. 

Surgeons, All Other$363,270
Emergency Medicine Physicians$356,460
Obstetricians and Gynecologists$343,050
General Internal Medicine Physicians$309,080
Family Medicine Physicians$232,070
Nurse Anesthetists$203,620
Pediatricians, General$199,060
Dentists, General$174,310
Dentists, All Other Specialists$165,820
Personal Financial Advisors$163,400
Computer and Information Systems Managers$155,290
Architectural and Engineering Managers$153,000
Financial Managers$149,150
Computer and Information Research Scientists$145,870
Compensation and Benefits Managers$145,290
Managers, All Other$141,010
Medical Dosimetrists$136,540
Sales Managers$135,100
Purchasing Managers$134,210
Marketing Managers$131,590
Public Relations Managers$130,490
Human Resources Managers$130,190
Law Teachers, Postsecondary$129,310
Top 30 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania

What is the Highest Paying Job in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree? 

Personal Financial Advisors is the highest paying job in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree. Personal Financial advisors in Pennsylvania earns $163,400 a year.

20 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree

The top 5 highest paying jobs in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree are Personal Financial Advisors, Computer and Information Systems Managers, Architectural and Engineering Managers, Financial Managers, and Computer and Information Research Scientists. 


Below is a list of the top 20 highest-paying jobs in Pennsylvania that do not require an advanced medical degree or law degree. All you need is a bachelor’s degree for these high paying jobs in PA.

Personal Financial Advisors$163,400
Computer and Information Systems Managers$155,290
Architectural and Engineering Managers$153,000
Financial Managers$149,150
Computer and Information Research Scientists$145,870
Compensation and Benefits Managers$145,290
Managers, All Other$141,010
Sales Managers$135,100
Purchasing Managers$134,210
Marketing Managers$131,590
Public Relations Managers$130,490
Human Resources Managers$130,190
Management Occupations$126,450
Air Traffic Controllers$122,760
Nuclear Engineers$122,440
Economics Teachers, Postsecondary$122,200
General and Operations Managers$121,750
Computer Hardware Engineers$120,530
Natural Sciences Managers$120,400
Top 20 Highest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree

What Jobs in Pennsylvania Pay Over $100,000 a Year?

Below you will find jobs in Pennsylvania that pay over $100,000 a year.

Surgeons, All Other$363,270
Emergency Medicine Physicians$356,460
Obstetricians and Gynecologists$343,050
General Internal Medicine Physicians$309,080
Family Medicine Physicians$232,070
Nurse Anesthetists$203,620
Pediatricians, General$199,060
Dentists, General$174,310
Dentists, All Other Specialists$165,820
Personal Financial Advisors$163,400
Computer and Information Systems Managers$155,290
Architectural and Engineering Managers$153,000
Financial Managers$149,150
Computer and Information Research Scientists$145,870
Compensation and Benefits Managers$145,290
Managers, All Other$141,010
Medical Dosimetrists$136,540
Sales Managers$135,100
Purchasing Managers$134,210
Marketing Managers$131,590
Public Relations Managers$130,490
Human Resources Managers$130,190
Law Teachers, Postsecondary$129,310
Management Occupations$126,450
Air Traffic Controllers$122,760
Nuclear Engineers$122,440
Economics Teachers, Postsecondary$122,200
General and Operations Managers$121,750
Medical and Health Services Managers$120,910
Nurse Practitioners$120,550
Computer Hardware Engineers$120,530
Natural Sciences Managers$120,400
Database Architects$120,180
Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary$120,100
Construction Managers$118,940
Aerospace Engineers$118,230
Software Developers$115,770
Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary$115,040
Fundraising Managers$114,960
Training and Development Managers$114,810
Nurse Midwives$113,580
Commercial Pilots$112,000
Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers$111,460
Biochemists and Biophysicists$111,060
Physician Assistants$110,140
Chemical Engineers$109,720
Business Teachers, Postsecondary$109,690
Mechanical Engineers$109,460
Legal Occupations$109,460
Advertising and Promotions Managers$107,770
Industrial Production Managers$107,660
Electronics Engineers, Except Computer$107,260
Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary$107,130
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products$107,050
Sales Engineers$106,440
Facilities Managers$105,590
Electrical Engineers$105,120
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary$105,060
Computer Network Architects$104,740
Education Administrators, Postsecondary$104,570
Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists$104,210
Physics Teachers, Postsecondary$101,750
Materials Scientists$101,100
Marine Engineers and Naval Architects$100,990
Engineers, All Other$100,660
Funeral Home Managers$100,620
Information Security Analysts$100,370
Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary$100,270
Jobs that Pay Over $100,000 a year in Pennsylvania

What is the Lowest Paying Job in Pennsylvania?

Agricultural Worker is the lowest paying jobs in Pennsylvania earning a mean annual salary of $22,770.

What are the Lowest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania?

The three lowest paying jobs in Pennsylvania are Agricultural Workers, Gambling and Sports Book Writers and Runner and Fast Food Cooks.

Top 20 Lowest Paying Jobs in Pennsylvania

Below is a list of the 20 lowest paying jobs in Pennsylvania.

Agricultural Workers, All Other$22,770
Gambling and Sports Book Writers and Runners$23,410
Cooks, Fast Food$24,220
Amusement and Recreation Attendants$24,300
Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers$24,850
Fast Food and Counter Workers$25,330
Hosts and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop$25,510
Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers$25,620
Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants and Bartender Helpers$26,170
Locker Room, Coatroom, and Dressing Room Attendants$26,280
Cooks, Short Order$26,610
Childcare Workers$27,330
Manicurists and Pedicurists$27,560
School Bus Monitors$27,880
Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians$27,950
Pressers, Textile, Garment, and Related Materials$28,020
Lowest Paying Jobs in Pennyslvania

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