Sad woman in front of house

12 Biggest Home Buying Regrets to Avoid

Buying a house is one of the most significant investments in a person’s life, which is why it’s important to get it right. Unfortunately, many people end up regretting buying their home because they made some big mistakes and ended up picking the wrong house. Here are some common home buying regrets that you can learn from so you don’t regret buying your house.

Home Buying Regrets

Buying an Old House Where Everything Needs Replacement

Many home buyers end up regretting their decision to buy an old house because they often find themselves stuck with aging appliances and HVAC systems that need replacing. Eventually, they have to replace everything – appliances, roof, and HVAC. This ends up costing them a lot of money and could have been avoided if they had checked the age of everything before buying.

For example, appliances generally last about 10 years before they start to break down and need to be replaced. So, if you’re buying a house with appliances that are around 10-11 years old, you can expect to have to replace them soon.

The situation gets even worse if you have an aging roof or HVAC system, as replacing them could cost thousands of dollars!

Not Checking the Commute

One common regret among home buyers is not testing the commute from their home to work. It’s only after they’ve moved in that they realize they hate the drive or that the commute is a nightmare.

For example, you might end up buying a home where you have to make a left turn onto a busy street to get to work. The morning rush could mean waiting a frustratingly long time before you get a chance to make the turn. It can be extremely frustrating to have to do that left turn every. single. day!

If you had known beforehand, you could have focused your home search on the other side of the street to avoid the left turn and take an easier right turn instead. Before buying the house, do a test drive from the home to your office to make sure you are comfortable with the commute.

Home buying regrets

Not Driving By The House and Neighborhood at Night

One thing that home buyers regret not doing is checking the house and neighborhood at night. It may all look great during the day, but there could be some issues that are real deal breakers. For example, you might end up in a house that is extremely noisy at night because there is a local bar nearby.

Bad Home Inspector

One of the biggest regrets home buyers have is hiring a bad home inspector. Often, home buyers feel pressured to find a home inspector quickly, because it’s usually done during the time after an accepted offer. This rush leads them to randomly call available home inspectors, increasing the risk of ending up with a bad one. Often times, they are hiring home inspectors based on who’s available to come out rather than if they’re a good home inspector.

As a result, you may end up with a lazy home inspector who does not do a thorough job of inspecting the house. Or you might get a home inspector who is not local, so they are not familiar with your neighborhood and might miss important issues with the house.

Having a bad home inspector means you will end up buying a house with lots of issues and getting stuck with the consequences.

That’s why it’s so important to do advanced research and get recommendations from friends and family when it comes to home inspectors. Start contacting potential home inspectors early so that when it’s time for an inspection, you have already vetted a few, preventing last-minute scrambling!

Not Testing the Driveway

One thing that home buyers often overlook is the driveway. They are so focused on the interior of the house that they forget about the driveway. Make sure you test the driveway to see if it’s easy to get in and out. Also, check that there is enough parking for guests on your driveway and street. It can be extremely frustrating if you love to entertain and you end up buying a house with little to no parking!

Home buying regrets

Not Testing the Garage

Many home buyers regret not testing the garage. They simply assume that a two-car garage can accommodate two cars, but the truth is sometimes the two-car garage is a tight one, so you can only realistically use it for one car. Before you buy the house, it’s important to test the garage by driving in and parking your car to make sure it meets your needs.

Overstretching to Buy a House

One thing that home buyers regret is overstretching their budget when buying a home. They make the mistake of buying a large, expensive house without considering the additional costs of maintenance and renovations. Often, they underestimate the maintenance and renovation costs of a big house.

Don’t base your budget solely on the amount the bank pre-approves you for; instead, factor in potential renovation expenses. It’s often smarter to buy a house for less than the pre-approved amount, so it’s more affordable, and you will have the flexibility for future renovations without straining your finances.

Buying a House with a Pool

Many home buyers regret buying a house with a pool. While it seems wonderful to have your own private swimming pool, the reality is that there are many expensive maintenance tasks that homeowners may not be prepared for.

It can cost a minimum of $5000 per year to maintain a pool in the New York suburbs, not including any necessary repairs for aging pool equipment. You could easily be hit with thousands of dollars of unexpected repairs.

Rushing to Buy Furniture

One common mistake that home buyers often make is rushing into buying furniture. Many are so eager and impatient to have a fully furnished house that they end up buying cheaper furniture because it’s all they can afford. It’s better to take your time and buy furniture gradually as you save up more money. Don’t rush into it, or you might end up stuck with furniture that you don’t really like in the long run.

Not Researching the Town and School District Zoning

One thing that home buyers regret is rushing into buying a home without doing thorough research on the town and schools. This is especially true for first-time home buyers without kids. They don’t pay enough attention to school district zoning and find themselves stuck in a house located in the worst school in the district!

Buying the Most Expensive House on the Street

One common regret among home buyers is buying the most expensive house on the street. This tends to happen in a tight housing market when there’s a shortage of homes for sale, leading to sellers receiving multiple offers.

When that happens, home buyers often find themselves in bidding wars, resulting in overpaying for their new homes. This is especially true for buyers in neighborhoods with older homes, as they can end up with the most expensive home on the street simply because they won the bidding war.

Not Knowing About the Home Maintenance Required

One regret many first time home buyers have is that they underestimate the maintenance required for a house. As a result, they move in and neglect important seasonal home maintenance tasks such as cleaning out the gutter or cleaning the dryer vent.

This neglect can lead to sudden major problems that could have been prevented with regular seasonal maintenance. For example, a leak in the roof could have easily been avoided with routine gutter cleaning! Check out: The 10 Worst Neighborhoods to Buy a House In (You Will Regret It)

Home Buying Checklists Printable

Home Buying Checklists

Get your 9 page home buying checklists printable. Stay organized and well-prepared throughout the entire home buying process with these useful checklists.

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