Fashion Influencer's Move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT

Fashion Influencer’s Move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT

I’ve known Joanna for years, back when we would do Barre class together.  She has always been fashionable, chic and carries the most fabulous bags, even to Barre Class.  So it’s no surprise to see Joanna become a successful Instagram Fashion Influencer.  Joanna made the move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT and now lives happily as a Greenwich mom and fashion influencer.  Here is a peek into her life.

Tell me about your move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT

We moved to Greenwich from New York City in 2010. We loved living in the city before we had children, and also loved having our first child there. But, as our baby became a toddler we quickly realized that we wanted more play space and a yard. So, we moved when our son was two years old, and our daughter was born in Greenwich.

Why did you choose to move to Greenwich?

We spent a weekend with friends who lived in Greenwich and we fell in love with it immediately. We loved the proximity to New York City, the coastal location and Tod’s Point Park and the retail and restaurant options. A week later, we were back looking at houses with a broker.

When you moved to Greenwich, did you know anyone?

We knew very few people when we first moved, but found it easy to make friends, especially with other parents of small children. It seemed that many people were in similar situations and had also just moved to Greenwich from New York City or other urban areas. We met many of our friends through our preschool at First Presbyterian Church Nursery School, but also made friends through our everyday life, meeting people at the beach, the grocery store, even on the train.

Fashion Influencer's Move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT

Can you describe your social life

We like to entertain, so on a weekend night we are more likely to host a dinner party than to eat out. My husband has a killer baby back ribs recipe, and I like to mix up spicy margaritas.

How old are your kids? What do you like to do with your kids?

Our kids are eleven and eight years old, so more and more they want to spend time with their friends. We have a large playroom and like to have big play dates and sleepovers. We enjoy going to Tod’s Point Beach (Old Greenwich) in the summer for the sand castle event.  In the Fall, we love the scarecrow building contest and pumpkin picking at Sam Bridge Nursery (Greenwich).  It has become our fall annual family tradition. Also, we just got a puppy, so that changes everything!!

What are the best playgrounds and parks in the area?

When the kids were younger we spent a lot of time at Bruce Park Playground (Greenwich). They also loved the Maritime Aquarium and Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk.

Fashion Influencer's Move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT

What are some things you don’t like about Greenwich?

I don’t like how difficult it is to find parking on Greenwich Avenue between about 11:30am and 2:00 pm.

How would you describe Greenwich residents?

Generally it is a pretty diverse town, despite what people may think, and most people are very engaging, friendly and have a real passion for life. There also is a big focus on families, which we appreciate.

What are your favorite restaurants in Greenwich?

I love Gabrielle’s for dinner. Their roasted cauliflower is amazing. The Granola Bar is great for a quick breakfast or lunch, and I also love Mix It Up for a healthy, fast service option. Our kids love to go to Abis for hibachi.

Fashion Influencer's Move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT

Are you a member of a country club?

We belong to Greenwich Country Club. I play tennis and squash there, and the kids love the summer camp and swim team. We spend almost every day of the summer at the pool there. It’s a great family club, with lots of programming for both kids and adults throughout the year. The kids love the annual pumpkin carving and gingerbread house making events, and my husband and I always have a great time at the White Party. As far as deciding which club to join, it really depends on what you are into, and what you want to get out of it. Some clubs might be more tennis or golf focused for instance, so depends on what you value.

What has your experience been so far with schools in Greenwich?

Both of our children went to First Presbyterian Church Nursery School, which we absolutely loved. The teachers are amazing, and it was such a nice culture and community. Some of my closest friends are still the moms I met in my son’s Three Year Old class eight years ago. Now, both my kids are in Greenwich public elementary school, which has also been an amazing experience. I am consistently impressed with the academics, the teacher, and the level of parent involvement. Whether you go public or private, it is tough to go wrong with the schools here.

Do you or your spouse commute to the city? What has your experience been with the commute?

My husband commuted for the first seven years. We got a monthly parking spot at the Cos Cob station fairly quickly. He found the commute actually quite productive as he could get a lot of work done on the train.

Any tips/advice you wished someone had told you when you were looking to move to the suburbs?

I think that you really have to be ready for the change, especially if you are leaving a big city. We knew that a suburban life was exactly what we wanted, but I have had friends that moved because of schools, or jobs, etc and had a harder time adjusting.

Fashion Influencer's Move from Manhattan to Greenwich, CT

Has your move from the city to the suburbs affected your style? If so, how?

My style has become much more casual since moving to the suburbs. We spend so much time at the pool that I am usually in Roberta Roller Rabbit coverups or flowy dresses in the summer, and during the school year I often work out after dropping the kids at school, so you will rarely see me in anything other than exercise clothes before lunch. My go-to outfits for day are usually jeans with a tailored shirt or oversized sweater and flats. For night, I love big statement earrings and very high heels. I do like to splurge on a good purse, the bigger the better.

Where are your go-to shops in the area?

On Greenwich Avenue, I like Great Stuff for jeans and sweaters, and they have an amazing selection of Herno jackets in the winter. Roberta Roller Rabbit is great for gifts and I love their mini kurtas for my daughter.  J.Crew is always a good bet for basic staples, and my son lives in Crew Cuts t-shirts. Splurge Kids has cute leggings and tees for girls. Everything But Water carries much more than just bathing suits – I often find amazing dresses there too. Too Sparrows in Old Greenwich is great for earrings.

About Joanna

Joanna is the Content Creator behind My Candid Closet, an Instagram feed following her detail-obsessed, chronically overdressed day to day life and travels featuring collaborations with fashion and lifestyle brands.  She is a passionate mother, a voracious reader, an overzealous coffee table book collection and has a weakness for pink peonies and anything with a monogram.  A former Public Relations Executive, Joanna started her Instagram feed to document her own personal style and share her favorite tips and finds.  

Follow Joanna

@mycandidcloset on instagram

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