Metro-North Train Station Parking in Fairfield County, Connecticut

How long are the waitlists for Metro-North Train Station Parking in Fairfield County, Connecticut?

Obtaining parking permits at Metro-North train stations can be confusing.  Every station parking lot has their own regulations.  And to make it more confusing, some parking lots have multi-year waitlists while others have immediate availability.  We did the research for you.  Here is a guide to Metro-North train station parking in lower Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Greenwich Metro-North train station parking

Parking Permit: There are 4 stations in Greenwich.  Like most towns, train station parking is a challenge.  There are multi-year waitlists in all 4 Greenwich stations with the shortest wait at the Cos Cob station.  The Greenwich station parking permit waitlist is 5 years for the outdoor parking lot and 10 years for the covered parking lot.  Cos Cob station parking permit has a 1 year waitlist.  Riverside station parking permit has a 3-5 years waitlist.   And the Old Greenwich station parking permit has a 3-5 years waitlist.  You can call 203-618-3060 for more information and to be added to the waitlist.

Daily Parking: Daily parking is available at all stations for $5.00 per day.  Simply park your car in a daily parking space and you will get a ticket for $5.00.  Please make sure you park in the daily parking spot and not the permit parking spot.  If by mistake, you park at a permit parking spot without a permit, you will receive a $55.00 ticket.  Parking is free on holidays and weekends.

Darien Metro-North train station parking

Parking Permit:  There are 2 stations in Darien.  Both stations have multi-year waitlists.  Darien station annual parking permit has a 5.5 years waitlist while Norton Heights annual parking permit has a 7.5 years waitlist.  There are separate waitlists for each lot and you can put your name down on both lists.  There is an annual fee of $10 to be on the waitlist.  The lot at the Noroton Heights Train Station is owned by the State of Connecticut and therefore non-residents can hold a Noroton Heights Lot permit.  The Leroy West Lot at the Darien Train Station is owned by the Town of Darien and only Darien residents may hold permits for the Leroy West Lot.  You can call 203-656-7330 between 9am-1pm on weekdays or add your name on the Darien online waitlist portal

Daily Parking: Daily parking fee is $4.00 per day and available on a first come/first served basis.

Rowayton Metro-North train station parking

Parking Permit: There is a waitlist for parking at the Rowayton Metro-North train station.  To get on the waitlist, you can submit your application online.

Daily Parking: Daily parking fee is $7 per day.  Parking is free at the station on holidays and weekends.

Norwalk Metro-North train station parking

Parking Permit: Norwalk has 2 stations (East Norwalk and South Norwalk) and both stations have a waitlist. The waitlist for East Norwalk is shorter (a year or less) while the waitlist for South Norwalk station is 1.5-2 years.  You can add your name to the waitlist for both lots online. You can call Norwalk Parking Authority for more information at 203-831-9063.

Daily Parking: Daily parking available at both East Norwalk and South Norwalk stations.  Daily parking fee is $8 per day at East Norwalk and $12 per day at South Norwalk.

New Canaan Metro-North train station parking

Parking Permit: New Canaan has 2 stations and both stations have a waitlist.  The shortest wait is at the Talmadge Hill station with approximately a 1 year wait.  Otherwise, the waitlist is 3-7 years to obtain a permit at the New Canaan train station.  You can call 203-594-3040 for more information.

Daily Parking: Daily parking is also available at both stations for $5.00 per day.  The New Canaan lots fill up by the first two trains and the Talmadge Hill lot will fill up by the 8:01am train.  Another parking option is to buy a permit to park for the day at one of the unoccupied parking spaces in the permit lots of Richmond Hill lot and Talmadge Hill lot.  The daily parking permit is only available to New Canaan residents and the cost is $7 per day.  Since the intention of the daily parking permit is for occasional commuters, you are only allowed to use the daily parking permit a maximum of 2x a week.  You can purchase a 10 pack and replenish as needed.

Stamford Metro-North train station parking

Parking Permit: You have a few options for monthly permit parking at the Stamford Train station.  Republic garage which is right at the station has a waitlist of 8 months.  The fee is $70 per month for parking.  You can reach Republic Garage at 203-327-7998.  In order to add your name to the waitlist, you need to apply in person.  Parking permit at Republic Garage are available to both residents and non-residents.  Another option is to park at the Harbor Point Gateway Garage which is 5 minutes away and has no waitlist but at twice the price ($145 per month vs. $70 per month).  You can sign up online for a garage space.   A third option is the Metro Center parking lot which is across the street and has a waitlist as well.  You can call Metro Center at 203-353-5346.

Daily Parking: Daily parking is available right at the Stamford train station (Republic garage) for $8 per day (16 hours).  It usually gets crowded by 9am but you can usually get a spot at the roof top.

Westport Metro-North train station parking

Parking Permit: There are two stations in Westport (Westport station and Green’s Farm station).  Both stations have a waitlist on the monthly parking permit.  You can add your name to the waitlist online.

Daily Parking: Daily parking is available at both stations for $5 per day.  Parking is free of charge from 3pm-7am and on weekends and holidays.

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We hope you like this guide as much as we enjoyed putting it together.  We also have a Guide to Metro-North Train Station Parking in Westchester.  Don’t miss out on any of our guides, follow us on FacebookInstagram or sign up to receive our monthly newsletter.

*All information were accurate when we were putting this guide together, however, please check with the town to verify that nothing has changed.

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