The Truth About Living in Dobbs Ferry, NY (Infographics)

Are you thinking of living in Dobbs Ferry, NY?  Dobbs Ferry is a suburb of New York in Westchester County with a population of approximately 11,070.

Located along the Hudson River, Dobbs Ferry is a beautiful Rivertown community in Westchester County. It’s expensive to live in Dobbs Ferry. It cost $12,245.66 a month for a family of four to live in Dobbs Ferry, NY. We used our Dobbs Ferry Cost of Living Calculator to compute this!

Like most NYC suburbs, the majority of households in Dobbs Ferry consist of families and approximately 23.8% of the population are children under 18 years old.

Dobbs Ferry has a median income of $143,462. More than half of the married households in Dobbs Ferry are dual-income households while 29.5% of married households have either a stay at home mom or stay at home dad.

What’s So Great About Living in Dobbs Ferry, NY

Easy Commute to Manhattan

Dobbs Ferry is an easy commute to Manhattan. The Metro North train commute to NYC from Dobbs Ferry is only 38 minutes during peak hours! 


Dobbs Ferry is a popular Rivertown with beautiful views of the Hudson River. If you like living on the water, this is a great town for you. There are many waterfront properties in Dobbs Ferry. 

Dobbs Ferry residents also enjoy Waterfront Park for town events and fourth of July fireworks. 

Vibrant Village

Dobbs Ferry has a bustling downtown with shops and restaurants on Cedar street and Main street. There are also many top-rated restaurants in Dobbs Ferry including Michelin Bib Gourmand restaurant, The Cookery. 

Check out: Michelin Restaurants in Westchester County

Below you will find useful information if you are thinking of living in Dobbs Ferry, NY. The information presented in this article is based on data from the US Census American Community Survey. 

Dobbs Ferry, NY Infographics

Dobbs Ferry NY Infographic
Dobbs Ferry NY Infographic

What is the population of Dobbs Ferry, NY?

The population of Dobbs Ferry, NY is approximately 11,070 with a median age of 38.6 years old. Dobbs Ferry residents are well educated with the highest level of education being a Bachelor’s Degree for 28.1% of residents and Graduate Degree for 37.2% of residents.

Is Dobbs Ferry Diverse?

78% of Dobbs Ferry residents are white, 5.9% of Dobbs Ferry residents are Asians, 11.2% of Dobbs Ferry residents are Hispanic and 7.9% of Dobbs Ferry residents are African Americans.

Are there a lot of families living in Dobbs Ferry, NY?

Most households in Dobbs Ferry are families which make up 59.1% of all households. The average family size in Dobbs Ferry is 3.15. 23.8% of Dobbs Ferry residents are children under 18 years old and 5.7% of Dobbs Ferry residents are under 5 years old.

Are there a lot of Stay at Home Moms in Dobbs Ferry?

Most households in Dobbs Ferry are dual income households. There are 61.2% of married households in Dobbs Ferry with both parents working, 13.4% of married households in Dobbs Ferry have Stay at Home Moms and 2.2% of married households in Dobbs Ferry have Stay at Home Dads.

Are there a lot of Singles in Dobbs Ferry?

Married couples represent 59.1% of all households in Dobbs Ferry while single households represent 25.3% of all households in Dobbs Ferry.

Of the single households, 20.3% are singles without kids, 23.7% are single mom households and 12.2% single dad households.

Is there a Large Senior Citizen Population in Dobbs Ferry, NY? 

15.00% of Dobbs Ferry residents are seniors aged 65 years old and older. Compare this to overall Westchester County where 17% of Westchester County residents are seniors aged 65 years old and older.

Is Dobbs Ferry Affluent?

Dobbs Ferry residents earn less than the average Westchester County resident. Dobbs Ferry has a mean household income of $143,462 while Westchester County has a mean household income of $170,509.

Salaries in New York

Are you getting paid enough? Find out: What are the Highest Paying Jobs in New York? (Infographics)

How Many Cars do Dobbs Ferry Residents own?

Most Dobbs Ferry residents own more than one car. 32.7% of Dobbs Ferry households own 1 car, 46.7% of Dobbs Ferry households own 2 cars and 15.09% of Dobbs Ferry households own 3 or more cars.

Are there a lot of rentals in Dobbs Ferry, NY?

Most housing units in Dobbs Ferry are owner occupied with 61.9% of homes in Dobbs Ferry owner-occupied housing, while only 38.1% of homes in Dobbs Ferry are rentals.

Are There a Lot of Rentals in Dobbs Ferry, NY?

In Dobbs Ferry, 38.10% of housing units are rentals while 61.90% of housing units in Dobbs Ferry are owner occupied.

How Much Is Rent in Dobbs Ferry, NY? 

The median gross rent in Dobbs Ferry is $1,918. Compare this to overall Westchester County where the median gross rent is $1,537.

Is it Expensive to Buy a House in Dobbs Ferry, NY?

No, it’s not expensive to buy a house in Dobbs Ferry. In fact, Dobbs Ferry is one of the more affordable Westchester County towns.

The Median Sales Price of Homes in Dobbs Ferry is $771,000 which is slightly higher than the median sale price of homes of $644,000 in overall Westchester County. (based on 12 month period ending February 2023)

What County is Dobbs Ferry, NY located in?

Dobbs Ferry, NY is in Westchester County. It’s one of the Rivertowns.

How Big is Dobbs Ferry, NY?

Dobbs Ferry is 2.43 square miles.

How Long is the Average Commute to Work for Dobbs Ferry Residents?

The mean travel time to work for Dobbs Ferry residents is 35 minutes. Compare this to overall Westchester County where the average time to work is 35 minutes.

Schools in Dobbs Ferry, NY

Dobbs Ferry residents are districted to the Dobbs Ferry Public school district. There is one elementary school, one middle school and one high school in the Dobbs Ferry Public School District. The Dobbs Ferry School district has approximately 1450 students. Students at Dobbs Ferry High School can take the IB Diploma, a rigorous college-preparatory program.

Dobbs Ferry Elementary Schools: Springhurst Elementary School

Dobbs Ferry Middle school: Dobbs Ferry Middle School

Dobbs Ferry High School: Dobbs Ferry High school.  

Which Metro North train station is closest to Dobbs Ferry?

Most Dobbs Ferry residents take the train from the Dobbs Ferry Metro North train station to commute to NYC. It takes approximately 47 minutes from the Dobbs Ferry Metro North train station to New York’s Grand Central Terminal.

Is there Parking at the Dobbs Ferry Metro North Train station?

Dobbs Ferry residents can purchase parking permits to park at the Dobbs Ferry Metro-North train station parking lots.

Dobbs Ferry Parking Permit: Dobbs Ferry parking permits are only for Dobbs Ferry residents.  There is little or no wait for the permit and there is a limit of 2 permits per household.  For more information, call 914-693-5500 or visit the Village of Dobbs Ferry website.

Dobbs Ferry Daily Parking: Non-residents can park on the streets adjacent to the Northbound side of the station on Palisade Street and High Street.  There are 12 hours meter parking that accepts cash and credit cards.

You may also like: How long are the waitlists for Metro-North train station parking in Westchester County, NY?

dobbs ferry, ny metro north parking

Dobbs Ferry, NY Cost of Living Calculator

If you are thinking of living in Dobbs Ferry, you need to know how much it cost to live in Dobbs Ferry. Like other towns in Westchester County, it’s expensive to live in Dobbs Ferry. It cost $12,245.66 a month for a family of four to live in Dobbs Ferry, NY.

Use our Dobbs Ferry Cost of Living Calculator to calculate how much it cost to live in Dobbs Ferry.

Our Dobbs Ferry Cost of Living Calculator will calculate your mortgage expense, property taxes, commuting expenses, transportation expenses, and home maintenance expenses. If you have kids, you can also add your childcare and other child-related expenses to the cost of living calculator.

Where are the Fenced-In Dog Parks near Dobbs Ferry, NY?

Check out our list of fenced-in dog parks in Westchester County.

Country Clubs in Westchester County

Check out our articles: Insider’s Guide to Country Clubs in Westchester and Insider’s Guide to Private Beach Clubs in Westchester

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Data Source: US Census American Community Survey. 

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