Are you thinking of living in Ridgefield, CT? Ridgefield is a charming New England town. From lake front living to walk to downtown living, Ridgefield has it all.
Ridgefield is located in Fairfield County, a suburb of New York City with approximately 25,033 people. The majority of households in Ridgefield consist of families and approximately 26.9% of the population are children under 18 years old.
Ridgefield has a median Income of $163,945. Compared to other towns in Fairfield County, there are a lot of stay at home dads and stay at home moms in Ridgefield making up 40.1% of households in Ridgefield.
Below you will find useful information if you are thinking of living in Ridgefield, CT. The information presented in this article is based on data from the US Census American Community Survey.
Ridgefield, CT Infograph
What is the population of Ridgefield, CT?
The population of Ridgefield, CT is approximately 25,033 with a median age of 46.4 years old.
Are Ridgefield Residents Well Educated?
74.9% of Ridgefield residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. Compare this to overall Connecticut where 39% of CT residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher.
Is Ridgefield Diverse?
91.6% of Ridgefield residents are White, 4.0% of Ridgefield residents are Asians, 4.8% of Ridgefield residents are Hispanic and 1.1% of Ridgefield residents are African Americans.
Are there a lot of families living in Ridgefield, CT?
Most households in Ridgefield are families which make up 68.8% of all households. The average family size in Ridgefield is 3.19. 26.9% of Ridgefield residents are children under 18 years old and 4.9% of Ridgefield residents are under 5 years old.
Are there are lot of Stay at Home Moms in Ridgefield?
There are a lot of stay at home dads and stay at home moms in Ridgefield. There are 46.1% of married households in Ridgefield with both parents working, 31.1% of married households in Ridgefield have Stay at Home Moms and 9% of married households in Ridgefield have Stay at Home Dads.
Are there are a lot of Singles in Ridgefield?
Majority of households in Ridgefield consist of married couple household. Married couples represent 59.3% of all households in Ridgefield while single households represent 40.6% of all households in Ridgefield. Of the single households, 31.1% are singles without kids, 8.2% are single mom households and 1.3% single dad households.
Is Ridgefield Affluent?
Ridgefield has a median household income of $163,945. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the median household income is $78,444.
How Many Cars do Ridgefield Residents own?
32.4% of Ridgefield households own 1 car, 39.2% of Ridgefield households own 2 cars and 25.6% of Ridgefield households own 3 or more cars.
Are there a lot of rentals in Ridgefield?
Majority of housing units in Ridgefield are owner occupied. 14.2% of housing units are rentals while 85.8% of housing units in Ridgefield are owner occupied.
How Much Is Rent in Ridgefield, CT?
The median gross rent in Ridgefield is $1,786. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the median gross rent is $1,180.
What is the Median Home Value in Ridgefield, CT?
The Median Home Value of owner-occupied homes in Ridgefield is $653,100.
What County is Ridgefield, CT located in?
Ridgefield, CT is in Fairfield County.
How Big is Ridgefield, CT?
Ridgefield is 34.52 square miles.
How Long is the Average Commute to Work for Ridgefield Residents?
The mean travel time to work for Ridgefield residents is 39 minutes. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the average time to work is 27 minutes.
What is the Property Tax Rate in Ridgefield, CT?
Every town in Connecticut sets its own property tax rate (mill rate). To get Ridgefield’s mill rate, check out our article: Connecticut Mill Rates: Town by Town List
How to Calculate Connecticut Property Taxes
Use our Calculator to Compute Your Property Taxes: How to calculate Property taxes in Connecticut?
How to Appeal your Connecticut Property Taxes
How Much is the Real Estate Transfer Tax in Connecticut?
Selling Your Home in Connecticut? Use our Calculator to compute the transfer tax: Connecticut Real Estate Transfer Tax Calculator
Salaries in Connecticut
Are you getting paid enough? What are the Highest Paying Jobs in Connecticut? (Infographs)
Data Source: US Census American Community Survey
What are the Schools in Ridgefield, CT
Ridgefield residents are districted to Ridgefield Public Schools. There are 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools and 1 High School in Ridgefield.
Elementary Schools in Ridgefield: Barlow Mountain Elementary School, Branchville Elementary School, Farmingville Elementary School, Ridgebury Elementary School, Scotland Elementary School and Veterans Park Elementary School
Middle Schools in Ridgefield: Scotts Ridge Middle School and East Ridge Middle School
High School in Ridgefield: Ridgefield High School
Is there School Bus Transportation in Ridgefield?
Bus transportation is provided for students attending Ridgefield Public Schools.
Which Metro North Train station is closest to Ridgefield?
Ridgefield residents can catch the Metro North train from Branchville station, Katonah station, Purdy’s station or Goldens Bridge station.
The Branchville Metro North train station is right in Ridgefield and runs on the Danbury branch of the New Haven Line which means a longer commute to NYC for Ridgefield residents.
For a more direct commute to New York City, Ridgefield residents often drive across the New York State border to catch the Metro North trains on the Harlem line. The closest Harlem Line Metro North train stations to Ridgefield are Katonah, Purdy’s or Goldens Bridge stations. Ridgefield residents save approximately 20-30 minutes from their commute if they catch the Metro North train from the stations that run on the Harlem line as opposed to the Branchville Metro North station.
The Metro North station you end up picking will depend on where you live in Ridgefield. You need to add the time it takes to drive from your home in Ridgefield to the Metro North station to calculate your total commute.
How Long Does it Take to take the Train from Ridgefield to New York City?
It takes 1 hour 10 minutes to almost 2 hours to take the train from Ridgefield to New York City. Below you will find how long it takes for Ridgefield residents to commute to NYC via Metro North train.
- The commute from Branchville Metro North train station to Grand Central terminal is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to 1 hour and 54 minutes
- The commute from Purdy’s Metro North train station to Grand Central terminal is approximately 1 hour and 19 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- The commute from Katonah Metro North train station to Grand Central terminal is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes to 1 hour and 22 minutes.
- The commute from Goldens Bridge Metro North train station to Grand Central terminal is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 hour and 27 minutes.
Is there parking for Ridgefield residents at the Branchville Metro North Train Station?
Parking Permit: Ridgefield residents can get parking permits to park at the Branchville Metro North station. Ridgefield residents can apply for a parking permit at Branchville Metro North Train station.
Daily Parking: Daily parking at the Branchville Metro North train station is available at parking areas marked for daily parking.
You may also be interested in: How long are the Waitlists for Metro-North Train station parking in Fairfield County, Connecticut?
Is there parking for Ridgefield residents at Katonah Metro North Train Station?
It’s difficult for Ridgefield residents to get a parking permit at the Katonah Metro North train station. There is a waitlist to get a parking permit at the Katonah train station. The best way for Ridgefield residents to get to the Katonah Metro North station is to take the shuttle from Ridgefield to Katonah train station.
Parking Permit at Katonah train station: Ridgefield residents can get a non-resident parking permit to park at the Katonah Metro North station. The Katonah commuter parking lot located at 50 Woods Bridge Road (lot 3) is available for non-residents. However, there is a waitlist to get a parking permit at the Katonah Metro North station. There is a limited number of non-resident parking permits and preferences is given to Town of Bedford residents. Ridgefield residents can apply for a parking permit at the Katonah Metro North Train station.
Is there a shuttle from Ridgefield to Katonah Metro North station?
There is a shuttle from Ridgefield to Katonah Metro North station. The Ridgefield to Katonah train station shuttle is operated by Hartransit. There are several shuttle pickup and drop off points in Ridgefield. Depending on the shuttle pickup point, the shuttle ride from Ridgefield to Katonah train station can take 15 minutes to 25 minutes.
Is there parking for Ridgefield residents at Goldens Bridge Metro North Train Station?
Ridgefield residents can park at the Goldens Bridge Metro North train station. Non-residents can apply to get a parking permit at the Goldens Bridge train station. Parking at Goldens Bridge train station is managed by LAZ Parking.
Is there parking for Ridgefield residents at Purdy’s Metro North train station?
Ridgefield residents can park at the Purdy’s Metro North train station. Non-residents can buy a parking permit for the Purdy’s train station. Parking at Purdy’s train station is managed by LAZ parking.
Is there a beach for Ridgefield residents?
Although Ridgefield is located inland, Ridgefield residents have access to Martin Park Beach. Martin Park Beach is on Great Pond, a spring-fed pond for swimming and boating. Ridgefield residents can enjoy kayaking and paddle boarding at Martin Park Beach. Ridgefield residents can also have beach access if they live in one of the many private lake associations in Ridgefield.
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