5 Reasons to Move to Westport, CT (2024)

Are you thinking of moving to Westport, CT?  Westport is a charming coastal Connecticut town that ranks high among the best Connecticut towns to call home, with easy commutes to NYC, a vibrant downtown, and beautiful beaches. Below are reasons to move to Westport.

Reasons to Move to Westport, CT

1. Easy Commute to NYC

For those who work in NYC, Westport has two Metro North train stations, making the daily commute to NYC a breeze. 

Westport, CT

2. Coastal Connecticut Charm

Westport is the epitome of coastal Connecticut charm. Its picturesque streets, lined with classic New England architecture- picture picture-perfect. 

Westport, CT

3. Lots of Shops and Restaurants

Westport has no shortage of shops and restaurants. The town’s downtown area is bustling with activity. Westport’s Main street is lined with shops and restaurants. As well as Route 1. 

Westport CT

4. A Beach Lifestyle

If you yearn for the beach lifestyle, Westport has you covered. Westport is home to several town beaches, you can indulge in lazy beach day days and waterfront picnics. Living in Westport is like having a permanent vacation destination just steps from your doorstep.

Connecticut Beach

5. Highly Rated Schools

Westport is known to have the best schools in Connecticut.  It is rated as the #1 best public school district in Connecticut by Niche.com. 

Connecticut suburban home

Why Westport is a Great Place to Live in

Westport is a great place to live in if you are looking for the quintessential coastal Connecticut town with easy access to NYC. 

Westport is a charming Connecticut town with beautiful beaches, easy train ride to NYC and a downtown with a good variety of shops and restaurants.

Rizzuto's Lobster Shack Westport, CT

Westport, CT Infograph

Westport, CT is located in Fairfield County, a suburb of New York City with approximately 27,141 people. Like most NYC suburbs, the majority of households in Westport consist of families and approximately 27.1% of the population are children under 18 years old.

Westport, CT Infograph

Westport is an affluent town in Connecticut with a median income of $206,466. Just under half of the married households in Westport are dual-income households while 42.3% of married households have either a stay at home mom or stay at home dad.

Below you will find useful information if you are thinking of living in Westport, CT. The information presented in this article is based on data from the US Census American Community Survey.

What is the population of Westport, CT?

The population of Westport, CT is approximately 27,141 with a median age of 45.8 years old.

Westport CT

Are Westport Residents Well Educated?

78% of Westport residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. Compare this to overall Connecticut where 39% of CT residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher.

Is Westport Diverse?

90% of Westport residents are White, 6.1% of Westport residents are Asians, 4.5% of Westport residents are Hispanic and 1.1% of Westport residents are African Americans.

Are there a lot of families living in Westport, CT?

Most households in Westport are families which make up 76.3% of all households. The average family size in Westport is 3.27. 27.1% of Westport residents are children under 18 years old and 4.6% of Westport residents are under 5 years old.

Are there are lot of Stay at Home Moms in Westport?

There are a lot of stay at home dads and stay at home moms in Westport. There are 46.7% of married households in Westport with both parents working, 36.7% of married households in Westport have Stay at Home Moms and 5.6% of married households in Westport have Stay at Home Dads.

Westport CT

Are there are a lot of Singles in Westport?

Majority of households in Westport consist of married couple household. Married couples represent 68.4% of all households in Westport while single households represent 31.6% of all households in Westport. Of the single households, 23.7% are singles without kids, 5.8% are single mom households and 2.1% single dad households.

Is Westport Affluent?

Westport is one of the richest towns in Connecticut. Westport has a median household income of $206,466. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the median household income is $78,444.

Westport CT

How Many Cars do Westport Residents own?

21.17% of Westport households own 1 car, 47.8% of Westport households own 2 cars and 28.5% of Westport households own 3 or more cars.

thinking of living in Westport, CT

Are there a lot of rentals in Westport?

Majority of housing units in Westport are owner occupied with 85.2% of homes in Westport owner-occupied housing, while only 14.8% of homes in Westport are rentals.

How Much Is Rent in Westport, CT? 

The median gross rent in Westport is $1,956. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the median gross rent is $1,180.

Westport CT

What is the Median Home Value in Westport, CT?

The Median Home Value of owner-occupied homes in Westport is $1,150,400.

What County is Westport, CT located in?

Westport, CT is in Fairfield County.

How Big is Westport, CT?

Westport is 20.0 square miles.

How Long is the Average Commute to Work for Westport Residents?

The mean travel time to work for Westport residents is 44 minutes. Compare this to overall Connecticut where the average time to work is 27 minutes.

What is the Property Tax Rate in Westport, CT?

Every town in Connecticut sets its own property tax rate (mill rate). To get Westport’s mill rate, check out our article: Connecticut Mill Rates: Town by Town List

How to Calculate Connecticut Property Taxes

Use our Calculator to Compute Your Property Taxes: How to calculate Property taxes in Connecticut?

How to Appeal your Connecticut Property Taxes

How Much is the Real Estate Transfer Tax in Connecticut?

Selling Your Home in Connecticut? Use our Calculator to compute the transfer tax: Connecticut Real Estate Transfer Tax Calculator

Salaries in Connecticut

Are you getting paid enough? What are the Highest Paying Jobs in Connecticut? (Infographs)

Schools in Westport, CT

Westport is known for its top ranking Westport Public School District in Connecticut (Niche.com). There are five elementary schools, two middle schools and one High School in Westport. The best way to find out which Westport school you are districted to is to use the Westport School Locator.

What are the Schools in Westport?

School DivisionWestport Public Schools
Elementary SchoolColeytown Elementary School
Kings Highway Elementary School
Saugatuck Elementary School
Greens Farms School
Long Lots School
Westport Middle SchoolsBedford Middle School
Coleytown Middle School
Westport High SchoolStaples High School

Is there School Bus Transportation in Westport?

School bus transportation is provided for in-district students attending Westport Public Schools.

Which Metro North Train Station is closest to Westport?

The closest Metro North train station to Westport is the Westport Metro North train station and the Greens Farms Metro North train station.

Metro North train

How Long Does it Take to Take the Train from Westport to NYC?

The commute from Westport train stations to Grand Central Terminal takes approximately one hour to one hour and 30 minutes.

  • The commute from Westport Metro North train station to Grand Central Terminal is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes to 1 hour and 26 minutes
  • The commute from Greens Farms Metro North train station to Grand Central Terminal is approximately 1 hour 16 minutes to 1 hour and 35 minutes

Is there Parking at the Westport Metro North Train Station?

Yes, there are parking lots at both Westport train station and Greens Farms station. You can obtain a monthly parking permit to park at the train station. You can also park in the daily parking spots.

Parking Permit: There are two Metro North train stations in Westport (Westport station and Greens Farms station).  Both Westport train stations have commuter parking lots but there is a waitlist on the monthly parking permit.  You can add your name online to the waitlist to get a Westport Parking Permit.

Daily Parking: Daily parking is available at both Westport and Greens Farms stations.  Parking is free of charge from 3pm-7am and on weekends and holidays.

You may also be interested in: How long are the Waitlists for Metro-North Train station parking in Fairfield County, Connecticut?

Interviews with Westport Residents

Check out our interview with Westport Mom and Actress, Wynter Kullman: Wynter Kullman Warshaw’s Life in Westport, CT

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Data Source: US Census American Community Survey 

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