At major luncheons and galas in Greenwich, more than likely you will bump into Grace “Graci” Djuranovic or Cricket Lockhart. And more than likely they’ve helped organize the event as committee members or as event chairs. Both women are leaders in Greenwich’s philanthropic community. I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the Greenwich United Way Sole Sisters Luncheon committee and seeing the mother-daughter duo in action with
Tell me about yourself. How long have you lived in Greenwich?
Graci: My husband and I moved to Greenwich almost six years ago and both of our kids were born here. My son is 5 and my daughter is 3. It’s been really fun living back in my hometown and now seeing it from a parent’s perspective – it is such a wonderful place to raise a family!
Cricket: I have 5 grandchildren – Graci’s two children and my son and daughter-in-law’s three children, two boys ages 7 and 5 and one grand-daughter almost 11 months. They also live locally. It is so wonderful having everyone so close by!
What are your favorite galas, luncheons and fundraisers in Greenwich?
Cricket: I would say pretty much the same, although I have not been to the Beach Ball or the REACH luncheon lately.
You are both very active in the local philanthropic community. Tell me more about your involvement.
The Bruce Museum is another organization that I am really passionate about. It is such a gem – really fascinating arts and science exhibitions and amazing educational programs for the kids! I co-chaired the museum’s Night at the Museum Family Benefit for two years, in addition to being on the Development and Gala Committees. And most recently, I co-founded and now Chair
I’m also on the Greenwich Academy Alumnae Association Board. Greenwich Academy is a really special place to me – the GA community and the education I received there empowered me in so many ways and helped show me the importance of women helping each other. It actually ties in so well with the Sole Sisters motto of “Women stepping up to help others step forward.” I’m also currently on the REACH Prep Junior Council, Greenwich International Film Festival Hostess Committee and I’m a member of Pitch Your Peers and a Sustainer in the Junior League of Greenwich.
Cricket: My main commitments now are the Greenwich United Way and the Bruce Museum. I was co-chair of Decorations for the Greenwich United Way’s 85th Gala, “Pearls and Prohibition”, and am now a Table Hostess Co-Chair for the Sole Sisters Luncheon. As for the Bruce, I am on the Museum Council, Co-Chair of the Development Committee and am on the “New Bruce” Committee. The Bruce Museum is in the process of more than doubling its size and educational programs. The New Bruce will be a game changer for Greenwich and the surrounding areas in Fairfield County and Westchester County. There will be new art galleries for our permanent collection and temporary exhibitions, the science wing will triple its current size, new and enhanced classrooms, a lecture hall, a larger gift shop, as well as a new café with indoor and outdoor seating, a sculpture garden and more. The new light filled entrance atrium can accommodate large parties! It will be sensational!
Tell me more about the Greenwich United Way Sole Sisters Luncheon
Graci: Kirsten Riemer and I are co-chairing this year’s Greenwich United Way Sole Sisters Luncheon on Tuesday, April 23 at the Greenwich Country Club. The funds raised at the luncheon will support the Greenwich United Way’s leadership efforts in supporting community solutions in the areas of education, self-sufficiency and health. The event consists of a fashion & accessories boutique which opens at 9:30 and the luncheon begins at noon. The boutique will feature 18 fabulous vendors – fashion, home, accessories, things for children, jewelry and gifts. And for 2019, we are so thrilled that our luncheon will feature keynote speaker Lauren Bush Lauren, the Founder and CEO of FEED. She has such a unique and inspiring story and we know our guests will really enjoy hearing her speak about it. And a fun fact is that my mom co-founded Sole Sisters over 14 years ago!
Cricket: The Sole Sisters luncheon evolved out of the 70th Anniversary of the Greenwich United Way Fund Raiser called “Stepping Out”, held at Richards in Greenwich. That kind of a fundraiser was a first for the Greenwich United Way and was a huge success. The group of volunteers running it had so much fun, we decided to stay together. We wanted to have a strong volunteer force ready for the next 5 year anniversary, but also decided to have an annual luncheon with a topically interesting speaker and shopping boutique. This has been a very successful strategy. The motto, “Women stepping up to help others step forward” came out of the name of the original
Tell me more about The Bruce Contemporaries?
Graci – What is it like having your mom in your committees? Cricket- What is it like having Graci in your committees?
Cricket: It is so much fun for me as well. I am so proud of Graci! She has done so much in her few years here. She also has such a wealth of marketing and organizational skills.
What is your typical day like?
Cricket: Non-stop busy work, it seems. I really enjoy babysitting, though!!
What do you like to do with your kids/grandkids in Greenwich or in the area?
Cricket: We love taking them to the Bruce Museum, going to their sports practices and games, going to the movies, having them for sleepovers. My husband also built a really wonderful tree house.
What are your favorite restaurants in Greenwich or in the area?
Cricket: We also like Le Fat Poodle and Homestead Inn- Thomas Henkelmann
What has your experience been with schools in Greenwich so far?
Any advice you can give to someone who is new to the area and is interested in being involved in the community?
Interested in Getting Involved?
Sole Sisters Shoe & Sock Drive: Donate shoes and new socks to Sole Sisters Shoe & Sock Drive benefiting Neighbor to Neighbor from March 24- April 5. Drop off your donations at the Greenwich United Way at 500 West Putnam Avenue, Suite 415, Greenwich, CT or 203-869-2221.
Greenwich United Way Sole Sisters Luncheon: Attend the Greenwich United Way Sole Sisters Luncheon on April 23,
Bruce Contemporaries: Join
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Suburbs 101 is an online lifestyle guide for the New York Suburbs of Westchester County, Long Island, Fairfield County and Northern New Jersey. Get the inside scoop on what it’s really like to live in the New York suburbs through our weekly interviews with local suburbanites and features on Food, Fashion, Home, Travel, and Local Events. Be sure to Follow Us on Instagram, Like Us on Facebook and subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter.