mta train

Guide to Metro-North Train Station Parking in Harrison, NY

Metro-North train station parking is challenging. There are often multi-year waitlists for parking permits at Metro-North stations in Westchester. Here is our Guide to Metro-North Train Station Parking in Harrison, NY.

Metro-North Commute to NYC from Harrison

  • Metro-North Train from Harrison to Grand Central is approximately 38 minutes

Parking Permit for Metro-North Train Station Parking in Harrison, NY

  • Harrison train station parking permit is available to both the Town/Village of Harrison residents and non-residents.  
  • Non-resident parking permits are available for the lot adjacent to the train platform where you get on the train to go into NYC.
  • There are also over 400 commuter parking spaces at the Avalon Apartment complex near the Metro North Station in Harrison.
  • Note: Please call 914-670-3030 for the most up-to-date information.

Daily Parking for Metro-North Train station in Harrison

  • There are daily parking spaces available.  If you are parking on the southbound side, you will have to go to the Clerk’s office and purchase a daily pass for $3.00.  Only residents can purchase daily passes.  If you are parking on the northbound side there are metered parking spots available at $4.75 for 16 hours or $7.50 for 24 hours.

You may also like: How long are the waitlists for Metro-North train station parking in Westchester County, NY?

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