The Truth About living in Larchmont, NY

Are you thinking of living in Larchmont, NY?  Larchmont is a beautiful waterfront suburb of NYC, with excellent schools, lots of recreational facilities, and easy access to New York City.

Below you will find basic facts about living in Larchmont, how much it really costs to live in Larchmont, NY (more than $14K a month!), and what’s so great about living in Larchmont. Don’t forget to watch the video for a driving tour of Larchmont, NY!

Video of Larchmont NY

Larchmont is a suburb of New York City in Westchester County with a population of approximately 6,096. Like most NYC suburbs, the majority of households in Larchmont consist of families and approximately 32.5% of the population are children under 18 years old.

Larchmont, NY
Larchmont, NY

Larchmont is an affluent town in Westchester County with a mean income of $332,293.

Just over half of the married households in Larchmont are dual-income households while 25.6% of married households have either a stay at home mom or stay at home dad.

The information presented in this article is based on data from the US Census American Community Survey.

Why Larchmont is a Great Place to Live In

Close to Beaches

Larchmont is right on the water. You can spend the afternoon relaxing at the town beach, Larchmont Manor Park. Or be active and go swimming, boating, and paddleboarding!

Near Manhattan

Larchmont is conveniently located near New York City, offering the best of urban and suburban life. You can easily take the Metro North train from Larchmont to NYC- you’ll be in midtown Manhattan in 30 minutes!

Larchmont is a Walkable Town

Walkability is a major advantage of living in Larchmont. It’s so easy to walk, bike, or rollerblade to school, stores, and restaurants. 

Excellent Schools

The Mamaroneck School District offers a low student-teacher ratio, diverse extracurricular activities, and language immersion programs. Larchmont is also close to private schools such as Fordham Prep, French American School, and Ursuline School.

Lots of After School Activities

If you have kids, Larchmont is a great place for active families looking for a variety of after-school activity options. You don’t have to drive far for after school activities- in fact, depending on where you live, you can walk to your child’s after school activities!

The town has an amazing pool. Hammocks Park ice rink is a few minutes away (great for kids into Ice Hockey!) Plus there are other after school activities in Larchmont such as cooking classes, STEM activities, and ballet.

Larchmont, NY Infographic

Larchmont NY Infographic
Larchmont NY Infographic

What is the population of Larchmont, NY?

The population of Larchmont, NY is approximately 6096 with a median age of 38.6 years old. Larchmont residents are well educated with the highest level of education being a Bachelor’s Degree for 33.5% of residents and a Graduate Degree for 52.3% of residents.

Is Larchmont Diverse?

87.6% of Larchmont residents are white, 7.6% of Larchmont residents are Asians, 9.9% of Larchmont residents are Hispanic and 1.7% of Larchmont residents are African Americans.

Are there a lot of families living in Larchmont, NY?

Most households in Larchmont are families which make up 75.19% of all households. The average family size in Larchmont is 3.4. 32.5% of Larchmont residents are children under 18 years old and 9.8% of Larchmont residents are under 5 years old.

Are there are lot of Stay at Home Moms in Larchmont?

Most households in Larchmont are dual income households. There are 70.1% of married households in Larchmont with both parents working, 23.1% of married households in Larchmont have Stay at Home Moms and 2.5% of married households in Larchmont have Stay at Home Dads.

Larchmont, NY
Larchmont, NY

Are there are a lot of Singles in Larchmont?

Most households in Larchmont are comprised of married couples. Married couples represent 68.1% of all households in Larchmont while single households represent 31.9% of all households in Larchmont.

Of the single households, 24.8% are singles without kids, 6% are single mom households and 1.1% single dad households.

Is there a Large Senior Citizen Population in Larchmont, NY? 

11.20% of Larchmont residents are seniors aged 65 years old and older. Compare this to overall Westchester County where 17% of Westchester County residents are seniors aged 65 years old and older.

Is Larchmont, NY a Wealthy Town?

Larchmont is one of the wealthiest towns in Westchester County. Larchmont has a mean income of $332,293. Compare this to overall Westchester County where the mean income is $170,509.

Salaries in New York

Are you getting paid enough? Find out: What are the Highest Paying Jobs in New York? (Infographics)

How Many Cars do Larchmont Residents own?

Most Larchmont residents own more than one car. 37.3% of Larchmont households own 1 car, 45.9% of Larchmont households own 2 cars and 12.14% of Larchmont households own 3 or more cars.

Are there a lot of rentals in Larchmont?

Most housing units in Larchmont are owner occupied with 77.8% of homes in Larchmont owner-occupied housing, while only 22.2% of homes in Larchmont are rentals.

How Much Is Rent in Larchmont, NY? 

The median gross rent in Larchmont is $1,886. Compare this to overall Westchester County where the median gross rent is $1,537.

Is it Expensive to Buy a House in Larchmont, NY?

Yes, it’s expensive to buy a house in Larchmont, NY. The Median Sales Price of Homes in Larchmont is $1,197,000. (Residential home sales for 12 month period ending February 2023).

When it comes to buying a house, Larchmont is one of the more expensive towns in Westchester County where the median sales price of homes is only $644,000.

Larchmont NY Downtown
Larchmont NY Downtown

What County is Larchmont, NY located in?

Larchmont, NY is in Westchester County.

How Big is Larchmont, NY?

Larchmont is 1.08 square miles.

How Long is the Average Commute to Work for Larchmont Residents?

The mean travel time to work for Larchmont residents is 44 minutes. Compare this to overall Westchester County where the average time to work is 35 minutes.

Schools in Larchmont, NY

Larchmont residents are districted to the Mamaroneck School District. There are four elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school in the Mamaroneck Public School District.

The Mamaroneck School district has approximately 5,300 students from the Village of Larchmont, the Village of Mamaroneck, and the Town of Mamaroneck.

Elementary schools: Central School, Chatsworth Avenue School, Mamaroneck Avenue School, and Murray Avenue School

Middle School: Hommocks Middle School

High School: Mamaroneck High School

Chatsworth Avenue School Larchmont NY
Chatsworth Avenue School Larchmont NY

Is there School Bus Transportation in Larchmont?

School Bus transportation is available for students attending Mamaroneck Public Schools. Larchmont residents attending private schools may also be eligible for school bus transportation services.

  • School bus transportation is available for students attending Mamaroneck School district who live more than 2 miles for K-8th grade students and more than 3 miles for High School students
  • Private school bus transportation is available for students whose residence is in the Mamaroneck School district and who live greater than 2 miles (K-8th grade) or greater than 3 miles (High School) but less than 15 miles from their private school.

Preschools in Larchmont, NY

Looking to enroll your child to preschool in Larchmont? Check out our guide to Larchmont preschools. Guide to Preschools in Larchmont

Larchmont Metro North train station
Larchmont Metro North Train Station

Which Metro North train station is closest to Larchmont?

Most Larchmont residents take the train from the Larchmont Metro North train station to commute to NYC. It takes approximately 34 minutes from the Larchmont Metro North train station to New York’s Grand Central Terminal.

Is there Parking at the Larchmont Metro North Train station?

Larchmont Metro North train station annual parking permit is available to Village of Larchmont residents on a first-come/first-served basis. Check out our Guide to Metro-North Train Station Parking in Larchmont, NY.

You may also like: How long are the waitlists for Metro-North train station parking in Westchester County, NY?

Larchmont Cost of Living Calculator

How much does it cost to live in Larchmont, NY? According to our Larchmont Cost of Living Calculator, it will cost a family of four $14,587.83 per month to live in Larchmont.

Our Larchmont Cost of Living Calculator will calculate your mortgage expense, property taxes, commuting expenses, transportation expenses and home maintenance expenses.

If you have kids, you can also add your childcare and other child-related expenses to the cost of living calculator.

Use our Larchmont Cost of Living Calculator to calculate how much it cost to live in Larchmont.

Where are the Fenced-In Dog Parks near Larchmont, NY?

Check out our list of fenced-in dog parks in Westchester County.

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Data Source: US Census American Community Survey

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