preschools in Darien

Darien Metro North Parking

Parking at Metro-North train stations can be challenging. This is true for most Metro-North train stations in Fairfield County and Westchester County. There are often multi-year waitlists for parking permits at the train stations. Here is our guide to Parking at Darien Metro North train station. Note: Parking regulations and fees do change, please check with Metro North to confirm the latest rates and regulations.

Metro North Train Commute to NYC from Darien, CT

Darien, CT has two Metro-North train stations- the Darien Metro North station and Noroton Heights Metro North station. The train ride from Darien Metro-North station to Grand Central is approximately 59 minutes to 1 hour 13 minutes. And the commute from Noroton Heights Station to Grand Central is approximately 1 hour.

Darien Metro North Parking

Darien Metro North Train Station Parking

There are multi-year waitlists to get a coveted annual parking permit at both Darien and Noroton Heights. The Darien Metro-North station annual parking permit has a 5.5 years waitlist. While the Norton Heights Metro North annual parking permit has a 7.5 years waitlist. Daily parking is available at both Metro North stations.

There are separate waiting lists for each lot and you can put your name down in both lists.  There is an annual fee of $10 to remain on the waiting list.  The lot at the Noroton Heights Train Station is owned by the State of Connecticut and therefore non-Darien residents can hold a Noroton Heights Lot permit.  The Leroy West Lot at the Darien Train Station is owned by the Town of Darien and only Darien residents can hold permits for the Leroy West Lot.  You can call 203-656-7330 between 9am-1pm on weekdays or go to the Darien online waitlist portal for more details.

Daily Parking at Darien Metro North Train Station

The daily parking fee is $4.00/day and is available on a first-come/first-served basis at both Darien and Noroton Heights Metro North stations.

Weekend Parking at Darien and Norton Heights Metro North stations

Weekend parking is free at both Darien and Noroton Heights Metro-North train stations.

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